
Reach 10 points before the AI can! Reaching a heart of your color grants 1 point. Summon hearts after a cooldown for new chances to get more points. And be smart! The enemy AI earns points in the same way. Prevent it from getting more points by body-blocking them from their hearts or hurling big, pink, gum blocks at them. And make sure to dodge theirs.


Mouse Cursor: Movement

Right Click: Summon Heart (the old heart disappears when you do this. the new heart appears between you and the enemy; the more points you have, the closer to the enemy it will be summoned)

Left Click/Aim with Mouse Cursor: Throw Block

*Summoning Hearts and Throwing Blocks have respective cooldowns which can be seen above the player and AI

AI Modes

(Spinning circles) Mirror: copies your movements on the opposite side of the screen

(Shield) Block: Sits overtop of your heart to prevent you from reaching it.

(Colliding Circles) Grab: Makes an attempt to reach their own heart